How to Review Soonish on Apple Podcasts or the iTunes Store
/If you enjoy Soonish, one of the most powerful things you can do to support the show is to leave a rating and a review of the show in the Apple Podcasts directory.
There are plenty of other ways to find podcasts these days. But I've looked at my own download statistics, and more than half of the folks who discover and listen to Soonish are doing it using the Apple Podcasts app on their smartphones.
That means Apple is still a key gatekeeper in the podcasting business. Every five-star rating and positive review greatly increases the chances that Apple will feature Soonish in search results, which helps the show reach more listeners. And who knows—someday maybe the Apple curators will even pick the show for their New and Noteworthy section.
So, you're fired up to write a review? Great! The thing is, it's a slightly tricky, 10-step process, and the steps are slightly different depending on whether you're using a smartphone or a computer. Not everyone is familiar with all of the steps. So, here we go:
On Your Smartphone
Open the Apple Podcasts app (the purple one).
Tap Search in the lower right corner.
Type "Soonish" into the search bar and tap Search.
In the area marked Podcasts, the podcast art for Soonish will appear. Tap that square.
You'll see a bar with three tabs. Tap the middle one, "Reviews."
Tap "Write a Review."
Enter your iTunes password
Tap the stars to leave a rating. (Five stars please!)
Write a pithy title and leave a review. Short is okay.
Tap "Send."
That's it! Here's a good summary of the process on iMore, with screen shots.
On Your Windows or Macintosh Computer
Open iTunes.
There's a bar below the Apple symbol that says Library, Unplayed, and Store. Click Store.
There's a drop-down menu in the upper right of the screen. Select Podcasts.
There's a Search bar in the upper right of the screen. Type "Soonish."
In the area marked Podcasts, the podcast art for Soonish will appear. Click that square.
You'll see a bar with three tabs. Tap the middle one, "Ratings and Reviews."
Under Customer Reviews, there's a button that says "Write a Review." Click it.
Tap the stars to leave a rating. (Five stars is awesome.)
Write a title and a review.
Click "Submit."
Here's a video that explains the whole process on a Mac or Windows machine, made by the producer of a podcast about microbreweries.
Thanks again for taking the time to leave a review of Soonish. It really does give the show a huge boost.